How I Can Afford To Travel In My 20’s

Live Free Baby,.png


Being born in a different country (in a third-world country at that) I always knew there was so much more for me to see on this planet. This world is so beautiful and full of magic. Traveling is one of my passions and it’s been such a priority for me to continue to explore and adventure while I navigate this journey we call life. I started this blog to share my travels with you, but I also want to share any travel tips, my secret to making money on the road, and social media marketing advice from a social media marketing manager. Today I want to share with you how I can afford to travel in my twenties.


When traveling abroad or living on the road it's really important to get comfortable with the fact that you will need to save money. This is your sign to stop spending money at the Chipotle down the road from your house and start putting those extra coins in your piggy bank. Often I hear a lot of people say "I want to travel the world and get paid while I do it." but that doesn't always look as luxurious as it's made out to be online. The first thing I did when deciding I wanted to make travel a priority was making sure that I was budgeting my finances and keeping track of everything I was spending money on, investing, and even my monthly income. No more aimlessly shopping online cause you are bored! Do you want something from amazon or do you want to go to Thailand and snorkel with the turtles? You are in control of those things coming into fruition.


There's no party like a party with your friends! When I go on trips, I try to make a point of inviting my friends that love to visit new places. Traveling with a group of people can change your trip by adding things like additional safety, cost-efficient travel, and overall entertainment! Some of the best trips I've ever been on in my life have been with some of my best friends by my side. We were able to split the pricing of all hotels, car rentals, and sometimes even received group pricing for activities we did.


I don't like going into things blind – so whenever I'm planning a trip; I make sure that I research information regarding the area, people, currency exchanges, and even things to know about their culture. Doing this research helps me feel more prepared in the event there are any unexpected situations that occur. This also makes me feel really comfortable especially when I visit a whole new country. At times, I feel like I've looked into so much information that when I finally get there it almost looks like a familiar place. I try to look up ideas for places to eat, drink, and explore. When traveling my preferred activities are usually hiking or anything nature-related (although I still love driving to the city for drinks!) The best part about this is that many activities that I do – are FREE.


Okay Lo, let's get down to business and cut to the chase.. how exactly do you make money while you travel? I make money while traveling by helping service-based CEOs and small business owners grow their social media by using organic marketing strategies. As a social media marketing manager, I have the flexibility to work from wherever at any time of the day from the palm of my hands, iPad, or laptop. In addition to social media management, I am also a Travel Photographer who works with brands, influencers, and travel-related companies to help capture their vision and life events. If you are interested in getting started as a social media marketing manager or virtual assistant please feel free to reach out I'd be more than happy to help you.  But there are a variety of other online-based professions that you can look into that will help you make an income while traveling.

Some common online professions that you can look into:

  •  Teaching English online

  •  Becoming a virtual assistant

  •  Creating graphics online for businesses

  •   Becoming a copywriter

  •  Becoming a website designer

  •  Selling your art online

I hope you found these tips helpful and that this inspires you to go travel and live your life. You only have one to make it worthwhile. Being able to travel and learn about new cultures, foods, and people is such a rewarding experience. Thanks so much for reading the post, don’t forget to share to Pinterest if you liked it!


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